Red Facial Bumps

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Pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB), also known as barber’s itch, folliculitis barbae traumatica, razor bumps, scarring pseudofolliculitis of the beard, and shave bumps, is a medical term for persistent irritation caused by shaving.

Pityrosporum folliculitis is a condition where the yeast, pityrosporum, gets down into the hair follicles and multiplies, setting up an itchy, acne-like eruption.

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A pimple on breast, especially one that won’t go away or keeps coming back could be a sign of cancer and should be taken seriously. Acne bumps under the boob, red, painful pimples, whether small or large, infected into a boil or not can be a source of worry.

Bumps on Forehead, not Pimples, under Skin, Tiny, Large, Lumps, Zits, Red, White, Get Rid, Pictures

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What causes small bumps on face? Get insights on the reasons for pimple like bumps on forehead, white, red or itchy rash, how to get rid and pictures.

You know those annoying back-of-the-arm bumps that just won’t go away? They’re called keratosis pilaris. Here, dermatologists explain how to treat them.

Got Tiny Bumps All Over Your Forehead? Try Double Cleansing For Smooth Skin. Do you have tiny, colourless bumps all over your forehead? Kind of like the skin on your forehead has a bumpy texture?

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Bumps on Chest not Acne. A rash, also known as dermatitis, can lead to small red bumps on chest so as to develop on the chest. Some of the rashes may just be an embarrassment and of annoyance, while others, usually when combined with any additional symptoms such as a fever, can be an indication of a very serious condition.

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Several skin conditions may cause the appearance of small red bumps under the eyes. Most of them are not serious, but if your under-eye bumps are

Bumps from Skin Parasites. Scabies is a condition caused by tiny mites that burrow under the skin where clothing is tight or in the skin folds. The elbows are common spots on which scabies appears, and the mites cause tiny red bumps …

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